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Amazon Certificate Manager (WID:20200803145314-aws_acm)

Last modified: 4 Aug 2020

Amazon Web Services service that allows to manage certificates. It is both able to store external certificates (bought from an external certificate provider), as well as provide certificates directly.

It works very well with Amazon CloudFront, and it allows to provision free certificates.

Getting free certificates with ACM

Note that the certificates will say that they\'re from ACM, but they at least allow https communication.

To get a free certificate, go over to the request certificate page. After filling out some simple information in the wizard (domain, validation method), the selected domain for which the certificate is to be issued will be validated according to the selected validation method.

If you have access to the registar email of the domain then that\'s the easiest option. Else, the DNS validation option is also quite simple, and basically consists of adding a CNAME entry to the DNS record so that ACM can confirm that we\'re actually the owners of the domain. Said CNAME entry is provided by ACM directly in the wizard.