Source code for

This module holds the implementation of all the networks, their losses, and
their components

import os
import shutil

import imageio
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision
from PIL import Image
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
from tqdm import tqdm

from stransfer import c_logging, constants, dataset, img_utils

LOGGER = c_logging.get_logger()

[docs]def get_tensorboard_writer(path: str) -> SummaryWriter: """ Creates a TensorBoard writer at the folder with `path`. If `path` exists then it is deleted and recreated. :param path: the path where our SummaryWriter will write :return: an initialized SummaryWriter """ shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) return SummaryWriter(path)
[docs]def adaptive_torch_load(weights_path: str): """ When loading saved weights, we check if need to map them to either `cuda` or `cpu`. :param weights_path: paths of the weights to load :return: the loaded weights """ if constants.DEVICE.type == "cuda": return torch.load(weights_path, map_location='cuda') else: return torch.load(weights_path, map_location='cpu')
def _load_latest_model_weigths(model_name: str, style_name: str, models_path='data/models/'): """ :param models_path: path where the pretrained models are saved :return: the weights file for the latest epoch corresponding to the model and style specified. """ models_path = os.path.join(constants.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, models_path) try: latest_weight_name = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(models_path) if x.startswith(model_name) and style_name in x])[-1] except IndexError: LOGGER.critical('There are no weights for the specified model name (%s) ' 'and style (%s). In the specified path: %s', model_name, style_name, models_path) raise AssertionError('There are no weights for the specified ' 'model name and style.') return adaptive_torch_load(models_path + latest_weight_name)
[docs]class StyleLoss(nn.Module): """ Implementation of the style loss :param target: the tensor representing the style image we want to take as reference during training """ def __init__(self, target: torch.Tensor): super().__init__() self.set_target(target)
[docs] def gram_matrix(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate the gram matrix for the `input` tensor """ # The size would be [batch_size, depth, height, width] bs, depth, height, width = input.size() features = input.view(bs, depth, height * width) features_t = features.transpose(1, 2) # compute the gram product G = torch.bmm(features, features_t) # we 'normalize' the values of the gram matrix # by dividing by the number of element in each feature maps. return G.div(depth * height * width)
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compare the gram matrix of the `input` with that of the `target`. By doing this we calculate the style loss, which is saved to a local `loss` attribute. """ G = self.gram_matrix(input) self.loss = F.mse_loss(G, # correct the fact that we only have one # style image for the whole batch return input
[docs] def set_target(self, target: torch.Tensor): """ This method allows us to change the style target of the loss """ # Here the target is the conv layer which we're taking as reference # as the style source = self.gram_matrix(target).detach()
[docs]class ContentLoss(nn.Module): """ Implementation of the content loss :param target: the target image we want to use to calculate the content loss """ def __init__(self, target: torch.Tensor): super().__init__() # Here the target is the conv layer which we're taking as reference # as the content source self.set_target(target)
[docs] def set_target(self, target: torch.Tensor): """ This method allows us to set the target image of this content loss instance """ = target.detach()
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate the distance between the `input` image and the `target`. This is saved to a local `loss` attribute. """ # Content loss is just the per pixel distance between an input and # the target self.loss = F.mse_loss(input, return input
[docs]class FeatureReconstructionLoss(nn.Module): """ Implementation of the feature reconstruction loss. ..note:: this loss is currently not used since it doesn't seem to provide much improvement over the normal :class:`.ContentLoss` """ def __init__(self, target: torch.Tensor): super().__init__() # Here the target is the conv layer which we're taking as reference # as the content source self.set_target(target) def set_target(self, target: torch.Tensor): = target.detach()
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Get the feature loss of `input` with respect to the `target` """ # Content loss is just the per pixel distance between an input and # the target l2_norm = F.mse_loss(input, l2_squared = l2_norm.pow(2) # The size would be [batch_size, depth, height, width] bs, depth, height, width = input.size() self.loss = l2_squared.div(bs * depth * height * width) return input
[docs]class StyleNetwork(nn.Module): """ Implementation of the StyleNetwork as defined in `A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style - Gatys (2015) <>`_ :param style_image: tensor of the image we want to use as a source for the style :param content_image: tensor of the image we want to use as the source for the content """ content_layers = [ # layers from where image content will be taken # 'Conv2d_1', # 'Conv2d_2', # 'Conv2d_3', 'Conv2d_4', # 'Conv2d_5', ] style_layers = [ # layers were the image style will be taken from 'Conv2d_1', 'Conv2d_2', 'Conv2d_3', 'Conv2d_4', 'Conv2d_5', ] feature_loss_layers = [ # layer for the feature loss 'ReLU_4', ] def __init__(self, style_image: torch.Tensor, content_image: torch.Tensor = None): super().__init__() self.content_losses = [] self.style_losses = [] self.feature_losses = [] if content_image is None: # set a dummy content image content_image = torch.zeros([1, 3, 256, 256]) # we use the vgg19 net to get the losses during training vgg = (torchvision.models.vgg19(pretrained=True) # we only want the `features` part of VGG19 (see print(vgg) for structure) .features .to(constants.DEVICE) .eval()) # by default we set the network to evaluation mode # separate the network in pieces. These are limited by the layers # specified in the `content_layers`, `style_layers`, and `feature_loss_layers` # Each piece is basically a sequential network self.net_pieces = [ nn.Sequential() ] loss_added = False current_piece = 0 i = 0 for layer in vgg: # for each layer in VGG, simply add it to the sequential net corresponding # to the layer we're currently working on (and give it an appropriate name) if isinstance(layer, nn.Conv2d): i += 1 if isinstance(layer, nn.ReLU): layer.inplace = False # one of {'Conv2d', 'MaxPool2d', 'ReLU'} layer_name = type(layer).__name__ + f"_{i}" self.net_pieces[current_piece].add_module(layer_name, layer) # if the layer is used to calculate the content, style, or feature losses then: # Save in the appropriate list the 'pointer' to the loss and the piece where # it belongs if layer_name in self.content_layers: # output of passing the `content_image` through all layers we've # processed until now layer_output = self.run_through_pieces(content_image) # calculate content loss content_loss = ContentLoss(layer_output) # save pointer to content loss in `self.content_losses` together # with the INDEX of the piece to which it corresponds self.content_losses.append([content_loss, current_piece]) # finally, say that a loss has been added so that the next iteration we # start with a new network piece loss_added = True # same is to be done for the style and feature losses if layer_name in self.style_layers: layer_output = self.run_through_pieces(style_image) style_loss = StyleLoss(layer_output) self.style_losses.append([style_loss, current_piece]) loss_added = True if layer_name in self.feature_loss_layers: layer_output = self.run_through_pieces(content_image) feature_loss = FeatureReconstructionLoss(layer_output) self.feature_losses.append([feature_loss, current_piece]) loss_added = True # If a loss has been added for the current layer then we say # that we're now working on a different piece if loss_added: self.net_pieces.append(nn.Sequential()) current_piece += 1 loss_added = False
[docs] def run_through_pieces(self, input_g: torch.Tensor, until=-1) -> torch.Tensor: """ Runs ths input `input_g` through all the pieces of the network, or until the specified layer if `until` is not `-1` :param input_g: the input to run through the network :param until: by default `-1`. If changed then it specified until which layer we want to run the input through :return: the output of running the input through all the specified layers """ x = input_g # if no array of pieces is provided then we just run the input # through all pieces in the network if until == -1: pieces = self.net_pieces else: pieces = self.net_pieces[:until + 1] # finally run the input image through the pieces for piece in pieces: x = piece(x) return x
[docs] def get_total_current_content_loss(self, weight=1) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns the sum of all the `loss` present in all *content* nodes """ return weight * torch.stack([x[0].loss for x in self.content_losses]).sum()
[docs] def get_total_current_feature_loss(self, weight=1) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns the sum of all the `loss` present in all *content* nodes """ return weight * torch.stack([x[0].loss for x in self.feature_losses]).sum()
[docs] def get_total_current_style_loss(self, weight=1) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns the sum of all the `loss` present in all *style* nodes """ return weight * torch.stack([x[0].loss for x in self.style_losses]).sum()
[docs] def forward(self, input_image: torch.Tensor, content_image=None, style_image=None) -> None: """ Given an input image pass it through all layers in the network :param input_image: the image to pass through the network :param content_image: if specified then this will change the curret target for the content loss :param style_image: if specified then this will change the current target for the style loss """ # first set content, feature, and style targets for (loss, piece_idx) in self.content_losses + self.feature_losses: if content_image is not None: loss.set_target( self.run_through_pieces(content_image, piece_idx) ) loss( self.run_through_pieces(input_image, piece_idx) ) # if we provide a style image to override the one # provided in the __init__ for (loss, piece_idx) in self.style_losses: if style_image is not None: loss.set_target( self.run_through_pieces(content_image, piece_idx) ) loss( self.run_through_pieces(input_image, piece_idx) )
# we don't need the network output, so there is no need to run # the input through the whole network def get_content_optimizer(self, input_img, optt=optim.Adam): # we want to apply the gradient to the content image, so we # need to mark it as such optimizer = optt([input_img.requires_grad_()]) return optimizer
[docs] def train_gatys(self, style_image: torch.Tensor, content_image: torch.Tensor, steps=550, style_weight=100_000, content_weight=1) -> torch.Tensor: """ Creates a new image with the style of `style_image` and the content of `content_image` :return: the converted image """ assert isinstance( style_image, torch.Tensor), 'Images need to be already loaded' assert isinstance( content_image, torch.Tensor), 'Images need to be already loaded' # start from content image input_image = content_image.clone() # or start from random image # input_image = torch.randn( #, device=constants.DEVICE) optimizer = self.get_content_optimizer(input_image, optt=optim.LBFGS) for step in tqdm(range(steps)): def closure(): optimizer.zero_grad() # pass content image through net self(input_image, content_image) # get losses style_loss = self.get_total_current_style_loss( weight=style_weight) content_loss = self.get_total_current_content_loss( weight=content_weight) total_loss = style_loss + content_loss total_loss.backward()'Loss: %s', total_loss) return total_loss optimizer.step(closure) return input_image
[docs]class ResidualBlock(nn.Module): # based on the residual block implementation from: # def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=kernel_size // 2, padding_mode='reflection') self.insn1 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(out_channels, affine=True) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=kernel_size // 2, padding_mode='reflection') self.insn2 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(out_channels, affine=True)
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Given a tensor input, pass it through the residual block, and return the output. """ # architecure of the residual block was taken from # Gross and Wilber (Training and investigating residual nets) # residual = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.insn1(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv2(out) out += residual out = self.insn2(out) return out
[docs]class ImageTransformNet(nn.Sequential): """ This the implementation of the fast style transform, image transform network, as defined in: `Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution <>`_ :param style_image: The image we want to use as as the style reference :param batch_size: the size of the batch """ def __init__(self, style_image: torch.Tensor, batch_size=4): super().__init__( # Initial convolutional layers # First Conv nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=32, kernel_size=9, stride=1, padding=9 // 2, padding_mode='reflection'), nn.InstanceNorm2d(num_features=32, affine=True), nn.ReLU(), # Second Conv nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=3 // 2, padding_mode='reflection'), nn.InstanceNorm2d(num_features=64, affine=True), nn.ReLU(), # Third Conv nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=3 // 2, padding_mode='reflection'), nn.InstanceNorm2d(num_features=128, affine=True), nn.ReLU(), # * Residual blocks ResidualBlock(in_channels=128, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3), ResidualBlock(in_channels=128, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3), ResidualBlock(in_channels=128, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3), ResidualBlock(in_channels=128, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3), ResidualBlock(in_channels=128, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3), # Deconvolution layers # According to # an upsampling layer followed by a convolution layer # yields better results # First 'deconvolution' layer nn.Upsample(mode='nearest', scale_factor=2), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=3 // 2, padding_mode='reflection'), nn.InstanceNorm2d(num_features=64, affine=True), nn.ReLU(), # Second 'deconvolution' layer nn.Upsample(mode='nearest', scale_factor=2), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=3 // 2, padding_mode='reflection'), nn.InstanceNorm2d(num_features=32, affine=True), nn.ReLU(), # * Final convolutional layer nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=3, kernel_size=9, stride=1, padding=9 // 2, padding_mode='reflection'), ) # finally, set the style image which # transform network represents assert isinstance( style_image, torch.Tensor), 'Style image need to be already loaded' self.style_image = style_image self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def get_total_variation_regularization_loss(self, transformed_image: torch.Tensor, regularization_factor=1e-6) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate a regularization loss, which will tell us how 'noisy' is the current image. Penalize if it is very noisy. See: :param transformed_image: image for which we will get the loss :param regularization_factor: 'weight' to scale the loss :return: the regularization loss """ return regularization_factor * ( torch.sum(torch.abs( transformed_image[:, :, :, :-1] - transformed_image[:, :, :, 1:]) ) + torch.sum( torch.abs( transformed_image[:, :, :-1, :] - transformed_image[:, :, 1:, :]) ))
[docs] def get_optimizer(self, optimizer=optim.Adam): """ Get an initialized optimizer """ params = self.parameters() return optimizer(params)
[docs] def static_train(self, style_name='nsp', epochs=50, style_weight=100_000, content_weight=1): """ Trains a fast style transfer network for style transfer on still images. """ tb_writer = get_tensorboard_writer( f'runs/fast-image-style-transfer-still-image_{style_name}') # TODO: try adding the following so that grads are not computed # with torch.no_grad(): loss_network = StyleNetwork(self.style_image, torch.rand([1, 3, 256, 256]).to( constants.DEVICE)) optimizer = self.get_optimizer(optimizer=optim.Adam)'Training network with "%s" optimizer', type(optimizer)) iteration = 0 test_loader, train_loader = dataset.get_coco_loader(test_split=0.10, test_limit=20, batch_size=self.batch_size) for epoch in range(epochs):'Starting epoch %d', epoch) epoch_checkpoint_name = f'data/models/fast_st_{style_name}_epoch{epoch}.pth' # if the checkpoint file for this epoch exists then we # just load it and go over to the next epoch if os.path.isfile(epoch_checkpoint_name): self.load_state_dict( adaptive_torch_load(epoch_checkpoint_name) ) continue for batch in tqdm(train_loader): batch = batch.squeeze(1) def closure(): optimizer.zero_grad() transformed_image = self(batch) # evaluate how good the transformation is loss_network(transformed_image, content_image=batch) # Get losses style_loss = loss_network.get_total_current_style_loss( weight=style_weight ) # Feature loss doesn't seem to be much better than the normal # content loss # feature_weight = 1 # feature_loss = loss_network.get_total_current_feature_loss( # weight=feature_weight # ) content_loss = loss_network.get_total_current_content_loss( weight=content_weight ) regularization_loss = self.get_total_variation_regularization_loss( transformed_image ) # calculate loss total_loss = style_loss + content_loss + regularization_loss total_loss.backward() LOGGER.debug('Max of each channel: %s', [ x.max().item() for x in transformed_image[0].squeeze()]) LOGGER.debug('Min of each channel: %s', [ x.min().item() for x in transformed_image[0].squeeze()]) LOGGER.debug('Sum of each channel: %s', [ x.sum().item() for x in transformed_image[0].squeeze()]) LOGGER.debug('Closure loss: %.8f', total_loss) return total_loss if iteration % 20 == 0: total_loss = closure() tb_writer.add_scalar( 'data/fst_train_loss', total_loss, iteration)'Batch Loss: %.8f', total_loss) if iteration % 150 == 0: average_test_loss = self.static_test( test_loader, loss_network) tb_writer.add_scalar( 'data/fst_test_loss', average_test_loss, iteration) if iteration % 50 == 0: transformed_image = torch.clamp( self(batch), # transform the image min=0, max=255 )[0] tb_writer.add_image('data/fst_images', img_utils.concat_images( transformed_image.squeeze(), batch[0].squeeze()), iteration) iteration += 1 # after processing the batch, run the gradient update optimizer.step(closure) self.state_dict(), epoch_checkpoint_name )
[docs] def static_test(self, test_loader, loss_network, style_weight=100_000, feature_weight=1): """ Tests the performance of a fast style transfer network on still images """ total_test_loss = [] for test_batch in test_loader: transformed_image = torch.clamp( self(test_batch.squeeze(1)), # transfor the image min=0, max=255 ) loss_network(transformed_image, content_image=test_batch.squeeze(1)) style_loss = style_weight * loss_network.get_total_current_style_loss() feature_loss = feature_weight * loss_network.get_total_current_feature_loss() total_test_loss.append((style_loss + feature_loss).item()) average_test_loss = torch.mean(torch.Tensor(total_test_loss))'Average test loss: %.8f', average_test_loss) return average_test_loss
[docs] def process_image(self, image_path: str, style_name='nsp', out_dir='results/') -> None: """ Processes a given input image at `image_path` with a network pretrained on the style `style_name`. Saves the processed image to `out_dir` :param image_path: path to the image we want to stylize :param style_name: name of the style we want to apply to the image. Note that a pretrained model with said style must exist in `data/models/` :param out_dir: directory were the stylized image will be saved """ # set weights to latest checkpoint self.load_state_dict( _load_latest_model_weigths( model_name='fast_st', style_name=style_name ) ) input_image = img_utils.image_loader( os.path.join(constants.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, image_path)) # transform the image transformed_image = self(input_image) # save the image out_dir = os.path.join(constants.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, out_dir) # ensure that the result directory exist os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, f'converted_fast_st_{style_name}.png') img_utils.imshow(transformed_image, path=out_file)
[docs]class VideoTransformNet(ImageTransformNet): """ Implementation of the video transform net. :param style_image: image we'll use as style reference :param batch_size: size of the batch :param fast_transfer_dict: state dict from a pretrained 'fast style network'. It allows us to start training the video model from this, which allows to bootstrap training. It is recommended to do this since the current video set is not very big. """ def __init__(self, style_image: torch.Tensor, batch_size=4, fast_transfer_dict=None): super().__init__(style_image, batch_size) self[0] = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=6, out_channels=32, kernel_size=9, stride=1, padding=9 // 2, padding_mode='reflection') # since this video net is exactly the same as the ImageTransformNet # 'fast transfer' then we can reuse it's backup weights, already trained # on imagenet, for this task. if fast_transfer_dict is not None: # if 'fast_transfer_dict' is a string then we take it to be the path # to a dump of the weights. So we load it. if isinstance(fast_transfer_dict, str): fast_transfer_dict = adaptive_torch_load(fast_transfer_dict) # but first we have to remove the 'weight' and 'bias' for the first layer, # since this is the one we will be replacing in this 'VideoTransformNet' del fast_transfer_dict['0.weight'] del fast_transfer_dict['0.bias'] # update video net state dict so that we ensure we have # the correct weight/biases for the first layer m_sd = self.state_dict().copy() m_sd.update(fast_transfer_dict) # finally load weights into network self.load_state_dict(m_sd) # flag to use when training, to know if we've loaded # external weights or not self.has_external_weights = True else: self.has_external_weights = False
[docs] def get_temporal_loss(self, old_content, old_stylized, current_content, current_stylized, temporal_weight=1) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculates the temporal loss See :param old_content: tensor representing the content of the previous frame :param old_stylized: tensor representing the stylized previous frame :param current_content: tensor representing the content of the current frame :param current_stylized: tensor representing the stylized current frame :param temporal_weight: weight for the temporal loss :return: the temporal loss """ change_in_style = (current_stylized - old_stylized).norm() change_in_content = (current_content - old_content).norm() return (change_in_style / (change_in_content + 1)) * temporal_weight
[docs] def video_train(self, style_name='nsp', epochs=50, temporal_weight=0.8, style_weight=100_000, feature_weight=1, content_weight=1) -> None: """ Trains the video network :param style_name: the name of the style (used for saving and loading checkpoints) :param epochs: how many epochs should the training go through :param temporal_weight: the weight for the temporal loss :param style_weight: the weight for the style loss :param feature_weight: the weight for the feature loss :param content_weight: the weight for the content loss :return: """ tb_writer = get_tensorboard_writer( f'runs/video-style-transfer_{style_name}') VIDEO_FOLDER = f'video_samples_{style_name}/' shutil.rmtree(VIDEO_FOLDER, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(VIDEO_FOLDER, exist_ok=True) # TODO: try adding the following so that grads are not computed # with torch.no_grad(): style_loss_network = StyleNetwork(self.style_image, torch.rand([1, 3, 256, 256]).to( constants.DEVICE)) optimizer = self.get_optimizer(optimizer=optim.Adam)'Training video network with "%s" optimizer', type(optimizer)) iteration = 0 video_loader = dataset.VideoDataset(batch_size=self.batch_size) for epoch in range(epochs): # we freeze the 'external_weights' during the first epoch # if these are present if epoch == 0 and self.has_external_weights: 'Freezing weights imported from fast transfer network for the first epoch') for name, param in self.named_parameters(): # all layers which are not the first one if not name.startswith('0.'): param.requires_grad = False # next epoch we just 'unfreeze' all if epoch == 1 and self.has_external_weights:'Unfreezing all weights') for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True epoch_checkpoint_name = f'data/models/video_st_{style_name}_epoch{epoch}.pth' # if the checkpoint file for this epoch exists then we # just load it and go over to the next epoch if os.path.isfile(epoch_checkpoint_name): self.load_state_dict( adaptive_torch_load(epoch_checkpoint_name) ) continue'Starting epoch %d', epoch) for video_batch in video_loader: # of shape [content, stylized] old_images = None for batch in dataset.iterate_on_video_batches(video_batch): # if we're in new epoch then previous frame is None if old_images is None: old_images = [batch, batch] # ? make images available as simple vars old_content_images = old_images[0] old_styled_images = old_images[1] batch_with_old_content = [batch, old_styled_images], dim=1) def closure(): optimizer.zero_grad() transformed_image = self(batch_with_old_content) style_loss_network(transformed_image, content_image=batch) style_loss = style_loss_network.get_total_current_style_loss( weight=style_weight ) # feature weights don't seem to improve much the final results # feature_loss = style_loss_network.get_total_current_feature_loss( # weight=feature_weight # ) content_loss = style_loss_network.get_total_current_content_loss( weight=content_weight ) regularization_loss = self.get_total_variation_regularization_loss( transformed_image ) temporal_loss = self.get_temporal_loss( old_content_images, old_styled_images, batch, transformed_image, temporal_weight=temporal_weight ) # * agregate losses total_loss = style_loss + content_loss + regularization_loss + temporal_loss # * set old content and stylized versions old_images[0] = batch.detach() old_images[1] = transformed_image.detach() total_loss.backward() # * debug messages LOGGER.debug('Max of each channel: %s', [ x.max().item() for x in transformed_image[0].squeeze()]) LOGGER.debug('Min of each channel: %s', [ x.min().item() for x in transformed_image[0].squeeze()]) LOGGER.debug('Sum of each channel: %s', [ x.sum().item() for x in transformed_image[0].squeeze()]) LOGGER.debug('Closure loss: %.8f', total_loss) return total_loss if iteration % 20 == 0: total_loss = closure() tb_writer.add_scalar( 'data/fst_train_loss', total_loss, iteration)'Epoch: %d\tBatch Loss: %.4f', epoch, total_loss) if iteration % 50 == 0: transformed_image = torch.clamp( self(batch_with_old_content), # transform the image min=0, max=255 )[2] tb_writer.add_image('data/fst_images', img_utils.concat_images( transformed_image.squeeze(), batch[2].squeeze()), iteration) iteration += 1 # after processing the batch, run the gradient update optimizer.step(closure) self.state_dict(), epoch_checkpoint_name )
[docs] def process_video(self, video_path: str, style_name='nsp', working_dir='workdir/', out_dir='results/', fps=24.0): """ Applies style to a single video, using pretrained weights. Note that the weights must exist, if not an exception will be raised. :param video_path: the path of the video to stylize :param style_name: the name of the style to apply to the video. The weights for a video transform model using said style must exist in `data/models/` :param working_dir: directory where the transformed frames will be saved :param out_dir: directory where the final transformed video will be saved :param fps: the frames per second to use in the final video """ video_path = os.path.join(constants.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, video_path) working_dir = os.path.join(constants.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, working_dir) out_dir = os.path.join(constants.PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, out_dir) # set weights to latest checkpoint self.load_state_dict( _load_latest_model_weigths( model_name='video_st', style_name=style_name ) ) # we can treat this as a video batch of 1 video_reader = [imageio.get_reader(video_path)] # first we process each video frame, then we join those frames into # a final video # ensure that working_dir is empty shutil.rmtree(working_dir, ignore_errors=True) # ensure that the working and result directories exist os.makedirs(working_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) # of shape [content, stylized] old_image = None'Starting to process video into stylized frames') # Stylize all frames separately for i, video_frame in enumerate(dataset.iterate_on_video_batches(video_reader)): # if we're in new epoch then previous frame is None if old_image is None: old_image = video_frame batch_with_old_content = [video_frame, old_image], dim=1) # Get the transformed video image transformed_image = self(batch_with_old_content) # set old image variable old_image = transformed_image.detach() img_utils.imshow(transformed_image[0], path=f'{working_dir}{i}.png') if i % 50 == 0:'.. processing, currently frame %d', i) # convert stylized frames into video'All frames have been stylized.') final_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f'video_st_{style_name}.mp4')'Joining stylized frames into a video') video_writer = imageio.get_writer(final_path, fps=fps) frame_files = sorted( os.listdir(working_dir), # cast frame index to int when sorting so that we actually get # the correct order key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[0]) ) for frame_name in tqdm(frame_files): video_writer.append_data(np.array( + frame_name)))'Done! Final stylized video can be found in: %s', final_path)